domingo, 3 de julio de 2016

Futuro perfecto.


Pasado perfecto.


Futuro progresivo.




Presente perfecto.


Pasado progresivo.


Presente progresivo.


viernes, 1 de julio de 2016

Pasado simple.



Did + Sujeto + Verbo en presente + Complemento + ?


Did you study english yesterday?

Did she watch tv at 9 pm?

lunes, 27 de junio de 2016

Verbo to be en presente.



Para realizar oraciones negativas con el verbo to be colocamos:

Sujeto + verbo to be en negativo + complemento. 


  • I am not a pilot.
  • Mary is not a good girl.
  • We are not students university.

                          Para realizar preguntas con el verbo to be colocamos:

Verbo to be + sujeto + complemento + ?


  • Are they brothers?
  • Am I beautiful?
  • Is she a good cook?

Para realizar las respuesta con el verbo to be tenemos:

Respuestas afirmativas:


Yes, Pronombre Personal (P.P) + verbo to be.


  • Are they brothers? = Yes, they are.
  • Am I beautiful? = Yes, you are.
  • Is she a good cook? = Yes, she is.


Yes, P.P + verbo to be + complemento.


  • Are they brothers? = Yes, they are brothers.
  • Am I beautiful? = Yes, you are beautiful.
  • Is she a good cook? = Yes, she is a good cook.

Respuestas negativas:


No, Pronombre Personal (P.P) + verbo to be en negativo.


  • Are they brothers? = No, they are not.
  • Am I beautiful? = No, you aren´t.
  • Is she a good cook? = No, she is not.


No, P.P + verbo to be en negativo + complemento.


  • Are they brothers? = No, they aren´t brothers.
  • Am I beautiful? = No, you are not beautiful.
  • Is she a good cook? = No, she isn´t a good cook.